“European Utility Week”, Barcelona, Spain – November 15 , 16 and 17, 2016

NEEDS had delegate participation in the European Utility Week, EUW16, that was held on November 15th to 17th, 2016, in Barcelona, Spain.
European Utility Week, the leading event for the smart utility community, welcomed more than 12,000 visitors working in the fields of Cyber-security and IoT, Data Management and Analytics, ESCO and Energy Management, Energy Storage, Grid Optimization, Innovation, Intelligent Networks and Communications, Renewable Integration, Smart Cities, Smart Homes and End User Engagement, and Smart Metering.
The event explored the challenges that encounter the utilities and the change required through innovations in the field of renewable and sustainable energy, customer driven utilities, and energy management and storage.
Extensive sessions were conducted to elaborate the Intelligent Grid, Retail, Sustainable and Smart City, and ICT and Data Management.